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Journal of the Optical Society of Korea 1998; 2(1): 1-4

Published online March 1, 1998 https://doi.org/10.3807/JOSK.1998.2.1.001

Copyright © Optical Society of Korea.

Second Harmonic Generation and Frequency Stabilization of a Diode Laser Using an External Ring Resonator

Taeg-Yong Kwon, Sung-Hoon Yang, and Ho-Seong Lee

Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science

Received: November 19, 1997

The second harmonic light of an 842 nm diode laser was generated from a KNbO3 crystal in an external ring resonator. The power of the second harmonic light was about 0.8 mV at an input fundamental power of 87 mW. The laser frequency was stabilized to the resonance frequency of the ring resonator, and the frequency fluctuation was measured as about 3 MHz.

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