Ex) Article Title, Author, Keywords
Current Optics
and Photonics
Ex) Article Title, Author, Keywords
Curr. Opt. Photon. 2024; 8(4): 416-420
Published online August 25, 2024 https://doi.org/10.3807/COPP.2024.8.4.416
Copyright © Optical Society of Korea.
Ye Jin Oh1,2,3, In Chul Park1,2, Eun Kyoung Park1,2, Jiri Muzik3, Yuya Koshiba3, Pawel Sikocinski3, Martin Smrz3, Tomas Mocek3, Hoon Jeong4, Ji Won Kim1,2
Corresponding author: *jwk7417@hanyang.ac.kr, ORCID 0000-0002-9451-1789
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
A high-power Yb:YAG thin-disc laser with radial or azimuthal polarization incorporating an intracavity S-waveplate is reported. Depending on the rotational angle of the S-waveplate placed in the cavity, a Yb:YAG thin-disc laser yields 10.8 W and 10.2 W of continuous-wave outputs with radial and azimuthal polarization for an incident pump power of 131 W, corresponding to slope efficiencies of 22.9% and 23.7%, respectively. The output characteristics for each polarization state were investigated in detail by analyzing the insertion loss and the mode overlap efficiency due to the S-waveplate. Further prospects for power scaling will be discussed.
Keywords: Polarization conversion, Radial and azimuthal polarization, S-waveplate, Thin-disc laser
OCIS codes: (140.0140) Lasers and laser optics; (140.3480) Laser, diode-pumped; (140.3615) Lasers, ytterbium; (230.5440) Polarization-selective devices
A laser beam with axially symmetric polarization, i.e., radial or azimuthal polarization, has attracted considerable interest due to its unique properties, including a donut-shaped intensity profile, uniform absorption in a material, generation of a longitudinal electric field component under tight focusing, and mitigation of thermally induced aberrations [1–3]. It is often referred to as a cylindrical vector (CV) beam and has been used in numerous applications such as optical trapping and manipulation of particles, particle acceleration, laser material processing, high-precision microscopy, and optical lithography [4–7].
A variety of methods have been developed to generate CV beams. The most straightforward approach is to convert a linearly (or circularly) polarized beam to a CV beam using special optical components such as a birefringent material [8], a q-plate [9], a sub-wavelength nanograting [10], a meta-surface device [11], a holographic liquid-crystal polarization converter [12], or an interferometric device [13]. These methods are simple and easy to implement, but suffer from a low purity of the polarization state. Alternatively, a CV beam can be generated directly from a laser resonator incorporating specially fabricated intracavity optical components, such as a q-plate [14], a conical Brewster prism [15], a multilayer polarization grating mirror [16], or thermally induced birefringent materials [17, 18]. Direct generation allows a beam to have a polarization state with a high degree of purity, but laser operation is sensitive to cavity conditions and laser alignment. Among these components for CV beam generation, the S-waveplate is a promising candidate due to its ease of use, flexibility, and high laser damage threshold [19–22]. It is a sub-wavelength nanograting device written in a fused silica substrate with grating directions that are dependent on the azimuthal angle, so it can convert a linearly polarized beam to a CV beam simply by passing a Gaussian beam through it. This can also be used as a polarization selector when it is placed in a laser cavity. Lin et al. [21] reported a cladding-pumped Yb fiber laser with >30 W of radially polarized output using an intracavity S-waveplate. Although it could successfully generate a high output power, the multi-mode fiber laser configuration used, comprising a free-space external feedback cavity with the S-waveplate, makes it difficult to excite and maintain the four high-order vector modes in the LP11 mode group of the fiber waveguide, so the laser system is very sensitive to operating conditions and environment including bending, temperature, pressure, and so on. Our group previously reported the direct generation of a CV beam from an Nd:YVO4 laser incorporating an intracavity S-waveplate [22]. However, the output power was limited to less than 1 W due to the thermal lensing effect of Nd:YVO4, exacerbated by the insertion loss of the S-waveplate. Therefore, it is expected that output power scaling can be achieved by employing a laser configuration with minimized thermal lensing, such as a thin-disc laser configuration.
A thin-disc laser uses a thin, disc-shaped active gain medium with a typical thickness of 100 μm to 250 μm, which is cooled by one of the flat faces of the disc [23–25]. Due to its excellent heat dissipation capacity, a thin-disc laser can produce up to several kilowatts of average output power while minimizing detrimental thermal effects including thermal lensing. A significantly higher output power of up to 750 W has been reported in a thin-disc laser with radial polarization [26]. They used a nano-written circular grating waveguide output coupler to force the polarization state so that its output polarization was fixed and could not be switched to the other polarization state, i.e., the azimuthal polarization state. Thus, we aim to build a thin-disc laser with switchable polarization, either radial or azimuthal polarization.
Here, we report on an Yb:YAG thin-disc laser with radially or azimuthally polarized outputs at 1,030 nm incorporating an intracavity S-waveplate. We could easily select either radial or azimuthal polarization states by adjusting the rotation angle of the S-waveplate, producing >10 W of CW output for both polarization states.
The experimental set-up for the Yb:YAG thin-disc laser is schematically shown in Fig. 1(a). We used a 7.2 at.% Yb:YAG thin-disc with a thickness of 215 μm and a diameter of 12 mm as the gain medium. The front face of the disc was anti-reflection (AR) coated and the rear face was high-reflection (HR) coated at both pump and laser wavelengths. The disc was bonded to a water-cooled CuW heat sink maintained at 15 ℃. Pump light was provided by a fibre-coupled high-power laser diode stack wavelength-locked at 969 nm. The pump beam was imaged onto the thin-disc with a beam size of 4.0 mm, using a collimation optic and a parabolic mirror after a beam homogenizer. The unabsorbed pump beam reflected from the rear face of the disc was collimated again by the parabolic mirror and redirected to the disc using two mirrors and another part of the parabolic mirror while having the same beam size as the incident beam on the disc. With these conditions, the pump beam passed through the Yb:YAG disc 24 times, resulting in a pump absorption efficiency of ~95%.
Figure 1(b) shows the pump beam profile and its fluorescence (the inset) measured from the Yb:YAG thin-disc under pumping, confirming a homogeneous pump beam profile. The laser resonator comprised an HR mirror providing feedback for lasing at one end of the resonator, a thin-film polarizer, a concave mirror (CC) with a radius of curvature (ROC) of 3,000 mm, a convex mirror (CX) with a ROC of 1,000 mm, two HR mirrors for folding the beam path, and a planar output coupler with 93% reflectance at the lasing wavelength. The lengths of the arms in Fig. 1(a) were ~300 mm, ~400 mm, ~400 mm, and ~400 mm for the HR-TD, TD-CC, CC-CX, and CX-OC, respectively. The total length of the resonator was ~1,500 mm, resulting in a calculated TEM00 mode diameter of ~2.9 mm at the disc. The mode size as a function of the position from the HR mirror is shown in Fig. 1(c). With these conditions, the Yb:YAG thin-disc laser yielded 157 W of CW output for an incident pump power of 357 W, corresponding to a slope efficiency of 54.2%. The output was linearly polarized, and its polarization extinction ratio was measured to be ~30 dB. The output power as a function of the pump power is shown in Fig. 2. The inset in Fig. 2 also shows the transverse output beam profile, and the measured beam qualities were 1.1 (x-axis) and 1.2 (y-axis) at the maximum output power, confirming that the output was a nearly diffraction-limited TEM00 mode.
To generate laser output with radial or azimuthal polarization, the S-waveplate was inserted in the cavity, as shown in Fig. 1(a). In [22], our group demonstrated, both theoretically and experimentally, that the S-waveplate in the laser cavity allows the laser output to have a radial or azimuthal polarization state. The S-waveplate used in our experiment had a clear aperture of 4 mm and was fabricated for light in a wavelength regime of 1,030 ± 20 nm. As the S-waveplate is recommended for a collimated beam that is >1 mm in diameter, it was placed in the vicinity of the planar output coupler, which had a calculated TEM00 mode size of ~1.1 mm. The polarization state (radial or azimuthal polarization state) could be selected by rotating the S-waveplate.
With these conditions, the Yb:YAG thin-disc laser yielded 10.8 W and 10.2 W of CW outputs with radial and azimuthal polarization, respectively, for an incident pump power of 131 W, as shown in Fig. 3. The slope efficiencies were calculated to be 22.9% and 23.7% for the outputs with radial and azimuthal polarization, respectively. The slight difference in laser outputs between the two polarization states can be attributed to the alignment sensitivity when rotating the S-waveplate. At higher pump power levels, it was difficult to maintain the radial or azimuthal polarization state due to thermal lensing, which was exacerbated by the low laser efficiency. Therefore, we limited the pump power to 131 W, although the output in Fig. 3 did not show signs of rollover. Figure 4 shows the output beam profiles of the Yb:YAG thin-disc laser and its polarization states. Both radially and azimuthally polarized beams had donut-shaped intensity distributions (the insets), which are in good agreement with the theoretical curve of the first-order Laguerre-Gaussian (LG01) mode. The beam qualities (M2) were also measured to be ~2.2 (x-axis) and ~2.3 (y-axis) for both polarization states, proving that the outputs were the LG01 mode [27]. The polarization state was confirmed by the beam profiles after passing the beam through a cube polarizer, shown in Fig. 4 that the laser output had radial or azimuthal polarization states. The purities of the polarization states were calculated to be 92.1% and 96.4% for the radial and azimuthal polarization states, respectively, confirming that the laser output had the high-purity polarization state as expected.
Although we successfully generated laser outputs with radial or azimuthal polarization with powers ~17 times higher than that of the Nd:YVO4 laser in a previous experiment [22], the laser efficiency was still much lower than expected, limiting the maximum achievable output power. We first assumed that this low slope efficiency was caused by a high round-trip loss due to the intracavity S-waveplate. We roughly calculated the round-trip loss due to the S-waveplate from the following equation for the slope efficiency η as [28]
where T is the transmittance of the output coupler, L is the round-trip loss, ηQ is the quantum efficiency, ηo is the pump-TEM00 mode overlap efficiency, and ηabs is the absorption efficiency. Using T = 0.07, ηQ = 0.94, ηo = 0.725, and ηabs = 0.95, the additional round-trip loss due to the S-waveplate was roughly calculated to be ~11% based on Eq. (1) using slope efficiencies of 54.2% and 23% for the lasers with and without the S-waveplate, respectively, if we attribute the low laser efficiency to the insertion loss of the S-waveplate. This loss was too high considering that the transmission of the AR-coated S-waveplate at ~1 μm was measured to be over 99%, so we believe that there should be other factors for the low laser efficiency. We attribute one of the other dominant factors to the mode mismatch between the TEM00 and LG01 modes in the resonator, since the S-waveplate was designed for polarization conversion rather than mode transformation. We measured the transformed LG01 mode beam size after the S-waveplate and found that it was nearly the same as that of the incident TEM00 mode beam. Since the resonating LG mode size in the cavity should be
We have successfully demonstrated the high-power operation of an Yb:YAG thin-disc laser with radial or azimuthal polarized output incorporating an intracavity S-waveplate. The Yb:YAG thin-disc laser yielded 10.8 W of radially polarized output and 10.2 W of azimuthally polarized output at 1,030 nm for an incident pump power of 131 W at 969 nm. The maximum output was limited by low laser efficiency due to insertion loss and mode mismatching due to the S-waveplate in the cavity. Therefore, the use of a mode-transformation-optimized S-waveplate in combination with a careful cavity design should lead to an improvement in laser efficiency, opening up the prospect of radially or azimuthally polarized Yb:YAG thin-disc laser output power on the level of tens or hundreds of watts.
National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) (Grant no. 2021R1A2C1007277); European Union and the state budget of the Czech Republic under the project LasApp (Grant no. CZ.02.01.01/00/22_008/0004573).
The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.
Data underlying the results presented in this paper are not publicly available at the time of publication, but may be obtained from the authors upon reasonable request.
Curr. Opt. Photon. 2024; 8(4): 416-420
Published online August 25, 2024 https://doi.org/10.3807/COPP.2024.8.4.416
Copyright © Optical Society of Korea.
Ye Jin Oh1,2,3, In Chul Park1,2, Eun Kyoung Park1,2, Jiri Muzik3, Yuya Koshiba3, Pawel Sikocinski3, Martin Smrz3, Tomas Mocek3, Hoon Jeong4, Ji Won Kim1,2
1Department of Photonics and Nanoelectronics, Hanyang University ERICA, Ansan 15588, Korea
2BK21 FOUR ERICA-ACE Center, Hanyang University, Ansan 15588, Korea
3HiLASE Centre, Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Dolní Břežany 252 41, Czech Republic
4Korea Institute of Industrial Technology, Cheonan 31056, Korea
Correspondence to:*jwk7417@hanyang.ac.kr, ORCID 0000-0002-9451-1789
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
A high-power Yb:YAG thin-disc laser with radial or azimuthal polarization incorporating an intracavity S-waveplate is reported. Depending on the rotational angle of the S-waveplate placed in the cavity, a Yb:YAG thin-disc laser yields 10.8 W and 10.2 W of continuous-wave outputs with radial and azimuthal polarization for an incident pump power of 131 W, corresponding to slope efficiencies of 22.9% and 23.7%, respectively. The output characteristics for each polarization state were investigated in detail by analyzing the insertion loss and the mode overlap efficiency due to the S-waveplate. Further prospects for power scaling will be discussed.
Keywords: Polarization conversion, Radial and azimuthal polarization, S-waveplate, Thin-disc laser
A laser beam with axially symmetric polarization, i.e., radial or azimuthal polarization, has attracted considerable interest due to its unique properties, including a donut-shaped intensity profile, uniform absorption in a material, generation of a longitudinal electric field component under tight focusing, and mitigation of thermally induced aberrations [1–3]. It is often referred to as a cylindrical vector (CV) beam and has been used in numerous applications such as optical trapping and manipulation of particles, particle acceleration, laser material processing, high-precision microscopy, and optical lithography [4–7].
A variety of methods have been developed to generate CV beams. The most straightforward approach is to convert a linearly (or circularly) polarized beam to a CV beam using special optical components such as a birefringent material [8], a q-plate [9], a sub-wavelength nanograting [10], a meta-surface device [11], a holographic liquid-crystal polarization converter [12], or an interferometric device [13]. These methods are simple and easy to implement, but suffer from a low purity of the polarization state. Alternatively, a CV beam can be generated directly from a laser resonator incorporating specially fabricated intracavity optical components, such as a q-plate [14], a conical Brewster prism [15], a multilayer polarization grating mirror [16], or thermally induced birefringent materials [17, 18]. Direct generation allows a beam to have a polarization state with a high degree of purity, but laser operation is sensitive to cavity conditions and laser alignment. Among these components for CV beam generation, the S-waveplate is a promising candidate due to its ease of use, flexibility, and high laser damage threshold [19–22]. It is a sub-wavelength nanograting device written in a fused silica substrate with grating directions that are dependent on the azimuthal angle, so it can convert a linearly polarized beam to a CV beam simply by passing a Gaussian beam through it. This can also be used as a polarization selector when it is placed in a laser cavity. Lin et al. [21] reported a cladding-pumped Yb fiber laser with >30 W of radially polarized output using an intracavity S-waveplate. Although it could successfully generate a high output power, the multi-mode fiber laser configuration used, comprising a free-space external feedback cavity with the S-waveplate, makes it difficult to excite and maintain the four high-order vector modes in the LP11 mode group of the fiber waveguide, so the laser system is very sensitive to operating conditions and environment including bending, temperature, pressure, and so on. Our group previously reported the direct generation of a CV beam from an Nd:YVO4 laser incorporating an intracavity S-waveplate [22]. However, the output power was limited to less than 1 W due to the thermal lensing effect of Nd:YVO4, exacerbated by the insertion loss of the S-waveplate. Therefore, it is expected that output power scaling can be achieved by employing a laser configuration with minimized thermal lensing, such as a thin-disc laser configuration.
A thin-disc laser uses a thin, disc-shaped active gain medium with a typical thickness of 100 μm to 250 μm, which is cooled by one of the flat faces of the disc [23–25]. Due to its excellent heat dissipation capacity, a thin-disc laser can produce up to several kilowatts of average output power while minimizing detrimental thermal effects including thermal lensing. A significantly higher output power of up to 750 W has been reported in a thin-disc laser with radial polarization [26]. They used a nano-written circular grating waveguide output coupler to force the polarization state so that its output polarization was fixed and could not be switched to the other polarization state, i.e., the azimuthal polarization state. Thus, we aim to build a thin-disc laser with switchable polarization, either radial or azimuthal polarization.
Here, we report on an Yb:YAG thin-disc laser with radially or azimuthally polarized outputs at 1,030 nm incorporating an intracavity S-waveplate. We could easily select either radial or azimuthal polarization states by adjusting the rotation angle of the S-waveplate, producing >10 W of CW output for both polarization states.
The experimental set-up for the Yb:YAG thin-disc laser is schematically shown in Fig. 1(a). We used a 7.2 at.% Yb:YAG thin-disc with a thickness of 215 μm and a diameter of 12 mm as the gain medium. The front face of the disc was anti-reflection (AR) coated and the rear face was high-reflection (HR) coated at both pump and laser wavelengths. The disc was bonded to a water-cooled CuW heat sink maintained at 15 ℃. Pump light was provided by a fibre-coupled high-power laser diode stack wavelength-locked at 969 nm. The pump beam was imaged onto the thin-disc with a beam size of 4.0 mm, using a collimation optic and a parabolic mirror after a beam homogenizer. The unabsorbed pump beam reflected from the rear face of the disc was collimated again by the parabolic mirror and redirected to the disc using two mirrors and another part of the parabolic mirror while having the same beam size as the incident beam on the disc. With these conditions, the pump beam passed through the Yb:YAG disc 24 times, resulting in a pump absorption efficiency of ~95%.
Figure 1(b) shows the pump beam profile and its fluorescence (the inset) measured from the Yb:YAG thin-disc under pumping, confirming a homogeneous pump beam profile. The laser resonator comprised an HR mirror providing feedback for lasing at one end of the resonator, a thin-film polarizer, a concave mirror (CC) with a radius of curvature (ROC) of 3,000 mm, a convex mirror (CX) with a ROC of 1,000 mm, two HR mirrors for folding the beam path, and a planar output coupler with 93% reflectance at the lasing wavelength. The lengths of the arms in Fig. 1(a) were ~300 mm, ~400 mm, ~400 mm, and ~400 mm for the HR-TD, TD-CC, CC-CX, and CX-OC, respectively. The total length of the resonator was ~1,500 mm, resulting in a calculated TEM00 mode diameter of ~2.9 mm at the disc. The mode size as a function of the position from the HR mirror is shown in Fig. 1(c). With these conditions, the Yb:YAG thin-disc laser yielded 157 W of CW output for an incident pump power of 357 W, corresponding to a slope efficiency of 54.2%. The output was linearly polarized, and its polarization extinction ratio was measured to be ~30 dB. The output power as a function of the pump power is shown in Fig. 2. The inset in Fig. 2 also shows the transverse output beam profile, and the measured beam qualities were 1.1 (x-axis) and 1.2 (y-axis) at the maximum output power, confirming that the output was a nearly diffraction-limited TEM00 mode.
To generate laser output with radial or azimuthal polarization, the S-waveplate was inserted in the cavity, as shown in Fig. 1(a). In [22], our group demonstrated, both theoretically and experimentally, that the S-waveplate in the laser cavity allows the laser output to have a radial or azimuthal polarization state. The S-waveplate used in our experiment had a clear aperture of 4 mm and was fabricated for light in a wavelength regime of 1,030 ± 20 nm. As the S-waveplate is recommended for a collimated beam that is >1 mm in diameter, it was placed in the vicinity of the planar output coupler, which had a calculated TEM00 mode size of ~1.1 mm. The polarization state (radial or azimuthal polarization state) could be selected by rotating the S-waveplate.
With these conditions, the Yb:YAG thin-disc laser yielded 10.8 W and 10.2 W of CW outputs with radial and azimuthal polarization, respectively, for an incident pump power of 131 W, as shown in Fig. 3. The slope efficiencies were calculated to be 22.9% and 23.7% for the outputs with radial and azimuthal polarization, respectively. The slight difference in laser outputs between the two polarization states can be attributed to the alignment sensitivity when rotating the S-waveplate. At higher pump power levels, it was difficult to maintain the radial or azimuthal polarization state due to thermal lensing, which was exacerbated by the low laser efficiency. Therefore, we limited the pump power to 131 W, although the output in Fig. 3 did not show signs of rollover. Figure 4 shows the output beam profiles of the Yb:YAG thin-disc laser and its polarization states. Both radially and azimuthally polarized beams had donut-shaped intensity distributions (the insets), which are in good agreement with the theoretical curve of the first-order Laguerre-Gaussian (LG01) mode. The beam qualities (M2) were also measured to be ~2.2 (x-axis) and ~2.3 (y-axis) for both polarization states, proving that the outputs were the LG01 mode [27]. The polarization state was confirmed by the beam profiles after passing the beam through a cube polarizer, shown in Fig. 4 that the laser output had radial or azimuthal polarization states. The purities of the polarization states were calculated to be 92.1% and 96.4% for the radial and azimuthal polarization states, respectively, confirming that the laser output had the high-purity polarization state as expected.
Although we successfully generated laser outputs with radial or azimuthal polarization with powers ~17 times higher than that of the Nd:YVO4 laser in a previous experiment [22], the laser efficiency was still much lower than expected, limiting the maximum achievable output power. We first assumed that this low slope efficiency was caused by a high round-trip loss due to the intracavity S-waveplate. We roughly calculated the round-trip loss due to the S-waveplate from the following equation for the slope efficiency η as [28]
where T is the transmittance of the output coupler, L is the round-trip loss, ηQ is the quantum efficiency, ηo is the pump-TEM00 mode overlap efficiency, and ηabs is the absorption efficiency. Using T = 0.07, ηQ = 0.94, ηo = 0.725, and ηabs = 0.95, the additional round-trip loss due to the S-waveplate was roughly calculated to be ~11% based on Eq. (1) using slope efficiencies of 54.2% and 23% for the lasers with and without the S-waveplate, respectively, if we attribute the low laser efficiency to the insertion loss of the S-waveplate. This loss was too high considering that the transmission of the AR-coated S-waveplate at ~1 μm was measured to be over 99%, so we believe that there should be other factors for the low laser efficiency. We attribute one of the other dominant factors to the mode mismatch between the TEM00 and LG01 modes in the resonator, since the S-waveplate was designed for polarization conversion rather than mode transformation. We measured the transformed LG01 mode beam size after the S-waveplate and found that it was nearly the same as that of the incident TEM00 mode beam. Since the resonating LG mode size in the cavity should be
We have successfully demonstrated the high-power operation of an Yb:YAG thin-disc laser with radial or azimuthal polarized output incorporating an intracavity S-waveplate. The Yb:YAG thin-disc laser yielded 10.8 W of radially polarized output and 10.2 W of azimuthally polarized output at 1,030 nm for an incident pump power of 131 W at 969 nm. The maximum output was limited by low laser efficiency due to insertion loss and mode mismatching due to the S-waveplate in the cavity. Therefore, the use of a mode-transformation-optimized S-waveplate in combination with a careful cavity design should lead to an improvement in laser efficiency, opening up the prospect of radially or azimuthally polarized Yb:YAG thin-disc laser output power on the level of tens or hundreds of watts.
National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) (Grant no. 2021R1A2C1007277); European Union and the state budget of the Czech Republic under the project LasApp (Grant no. CZ.02.01.01/00/22_008/0004573).
The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.
Data underlying the results presented in this paper are not publicly available at the time of publication, but may be obtained from the authors upon reasonable request.