Ex) Article Title, Author, Keywords
Current Optics
and Photonics
Ex) Article Title, Author, Keywords
Current Optics and Photonics 2017; 1(6): 567-572
Published online December 25, 2017 https://doi.org/10.3807/COPP.2017.1.6.567
Copyright © Optical Society of Korea.
Ahasan Habib1,*, Shamim Anower1, and Rabiul Hasan2
Corresponding author: habib.eee.116.ah@gmail.com
A novel slotted-core hexagonal photonic crystal fiber (PCF) for terahertz (THz) wave guiding is proposed in this paper. A trade-off managed between effective material loss (EML) and birefringence for efficient guidance of THz waves is illustrated in this article. The rectangular slot shaped air-holes break the symmetry of the porous-core which offers ultra-high birefringence of 8.8×10-2. The proposed structure offers low bending loss of 1.07×10-34 cm-1 and extremely low effective material loss (EML) of 0.035 cm-1 at an operating frequency of 1.0 THz. In addition other guiding properties such as power fraction, dispersion and confinement loss are also discussed. The proposed THz waveguide can be effectively used for convenient transmission of THz waves.
Keywords: Fiber design and fabrication, Micro-structured fibers, Birefringence, Dispersion
Terahertz (THz) radiation indicates the band of waves whose frequency ranges from 0.1 to 10 THz. Recently, the spotlight of the researchers has turned towards this special narrow-band radiation due to numerous potential applications such as sensing, imaging, spectroscopy, communication, security and medical science [1-3]. With the advancement of the ongoing technology, the THz source and detector are already commercially available in the market [4]. However, the design of the optical waveguide is under experiment because almost all materials which are used for optical fiber waveguide construction absorb light when light propagates through them. At the early stage, an unguided medium (air) is used for the transmission of the THz wave. As a result, numerous problems arise such as transmitter-receiver alignment related issues, uncertain absorption loss influenced by surroundings atmospheric condition etc. To get rid of this problem, different guided media are proposed by the scientists such as metallic waveguides [5], metal-coated dielectric tubes [6], Bragg band-gap fibers [7], plastic photonic band-gap fibers [8], sub-wavelength porous fibers [9], hollow core fibers [10] for the efficient transmission of THz signal. However, all guided media showed high absorption of THz waves. Then photonic crystal fiber (PCF) came to light.
Moreover, the solid core of the PCFs result in high effective material loss (EML) [11]. Low-loss PCF has important application in the field of diagnosis of skin cancer, breast cancer, dysplastic skin nevi and hard-to-access skin areas [16]. Again low loss PCF is widely used in bio sensing applications. So, design of low loss PCF became a new challenge for the researchers. One possible solution to reduce the EML of PCF is to introduce air holes in the core region. Introduction of air holes in core reduces the effective material in the core region and the EML reduces ultimately. This type of PCF is called porous core PCF (PC-PCF).
Birefringence is another important property for both solid core PCF and PC-PCF. Birefringence is the absolute difference between the refractive indices of x and y polarization modes. We know that light is an electromagnetic wave is polarized when it propagates. The amount of polarization through the PCF depends on the structure of the medium. If the core is symmetrical along with the x-axis and y-axis, then the refractive indexes of the material are the same for both polarization modes and the birefringence is absent. Birefringence can be made by breaking the symmetry of the core intentionally. Highly birefringent PCF has important applications in sensing, imaging, medical science
In this paper, we propose a slotted core hexagonal porous core PCF. The hexagonal shaped PCF is more compact than other types of structures and the light is well confined in the core region. The slotted core breaks the symmetry of core and an ultrahigh birefringence of 8.8×10-2 is shown by the proposed design. Due to the compactness of the fiber the light is well confined for high core porosities and the EML and bending loss is reduced. The lowest EML and bending loss are 0.035 cm-1 and 1.075×10-34 cm-1, respectively, shown by the proposed fiber at 1.0 THz operating frequency respectively. The other guiding properties such as confinement loss, power fraction and, dispersion are discussed rigorously. The physical structure and fabrication feasibility are discussed in Section II. Section III covers the simulation results and the discussions. The conclusion are contained by Section IV.
The cross sectional view of the proposed PC-PCF is shown in Fig. 1. In the cladding region a hexagonal shaped structure with four rings is chosen. Two main reasons for choosing the hexagonal structure are that it provides better confinement of the light and eliminates the drawbacks of the design proposed in [14]. In a hexagonal shaped structure only one Λ is required for the designing purpose and high air filling fraction (AFF) provides compact design.
The AFF is kept fixed at 0.96 throughout the whole numerical simulation. The main reason for choosing such a high value of AFF is that the EML decreases with the increase of the AFF. In the proposed porous core PCF, the principal design parameter is the length of the diamond shaped core (Lcore) because the fiber dimension is determined by it. The width of the core (Wcore) changes according to the Lcore. The core length is determined as Lcore = 6Λ cos30° - d, where d is the diameter of the cladding air hole. The core consists of 15 slots and the length of each slot is related to the core length (Lcore). The length of the center slot is 4.5 × Lcore. The slot lengths of the other slotted air holes are 4.15 × Lcore, 3.5 × Lcore, 2.66 × Lcore, 2.33 × Lcore, 1.16 × Lcore, 0.83 × Lcore and 0.33 × Lcore respectively, arranged away from the center slot. These particular values are chosen because these values provide maximum birefringence. The slot-lengths are kept fixed throughout the analysis. For different porosities the slot-width (which is same for all slots) is varied. The core pitch (dc) is defined as the horizontal center-to-center distance between two adjacent slots, which is selected as 0.2 × Λ. This particular value provides the entrance of a maximum number of slotted air holes without overlapping. The background material considered for this design is cyclic olefin copolymer (COC), with a trade name of TOPAS. It has a refractive index of 1.5258, which is constant over 0.1 - 2 THz [17]. During the simulation, the bulk material absorption loss (αmat) of 0.20 cm-1 has been inserted. Dry air having almost zero absorption loss (αair = 0) is the most transparent medium for terahertz waves. Therefore, at the time of calculation of various losses, αair was not taken into account. This particular polymer is preferred due to some of its excellent merits over other polymers such as PMMA or Teflon.
The proposed PCF consists of hexagonal lattice and slotted air holes in the core. The extrusion technique proposed by Kiang
The finite element method (FEM) based software COMSOL v. 4.2 has been used to design and simulate the proposed PC-PCF. A circular perfectly matched layer (PML) boundary condition outside the outer cladding is used in order to absorb the electromagnetic field propagating towards the surface. During the entire simulation, total 29,271 triangular elements, 3516 edge elements, and 396 vertex elements are required to represent the complete structure. The minimum element size has been taken as small as possible at about 0.42 µm. The average element quality of the design was 0.9155. The PML thickness is about 10% of the total fiber diameter. For efficient transmission of the THz wave, the electromagnetic field should be tightly confined in the core region. The mode field profile is shown in Fig. 2 and it is seen from the following figure is that the light is confined in the core region.
At first, we demonstrate the birefringence property of the proposed fiber. Birefringence is the absolute difference between the refractive indices of x and y polarization modes expressed as [12]
The EML of a porous core PCF can be calculated as [13]
Bending loss is very important for the practical implementation of optical fiber waveguide. The bending loss can be quantified by using the following formula [15]
Confinement loss is a phenomenon whereby part of the guided light penetrates in the cladding region. The confinement loss is not avoidable and it exists in every porous core PCF. The confinement loss of a PC-PCF can be calculated by using the following formula [12]
Now, the mode power fraction of the proposed fiber is discussed. It is desired that maximum power travels through the air holes of the core. The fraction of power is calculated by the following expression [14]
Lastly, the dispersion of the proposed fiber is discussed now. The high dispersion limits the data transmission rate and for efficient transmission the dispersion must be as low as possible. The dispersion is calculated by the following expression [13]
An efficient slotted-core PCF has been analyzed for polarization maintaining applications. The proposed model presents extremely high birefringence of 0.088 and a very low effective material loss of 0.035 cm-1 at 1.0 THz operating frequency. The structure is expected to be fabricated using the ongoing fabrication technology combining extrusion techniques. The proposed structure is compact and robust and it would be an efficient guiding structure for THz wave transmission.
Current Optics and Photonics 2017; 1(6): 567-572
Published online December 25, 2017 https://doi.org/10.3807/COPP.2017.1.6.567
Copyright © Optical Society of Korea.
Ahasan Habib1,*, Shamim Anower1, and Rabiul Hasan2
Correspondence to:habib.eee.116.ah@gmail.com
A novel slotted-core hexagonal photonic crystal fiber (PCF) for terahertz (THz) wave guiding is proposed in this paper. A trade-off managed between effective material loss (EML) and birefringence for efficient guidance of THz waves is illustrated in this article. The rectangular slot shaped air-holes break the symmetry of the porous-core which offers ultra-high birefringence of 8.8×10-2. The proposed structure offers low bending loss of 1.07×10-34 cm-1 and extremely low effective material loss (EML) of 0.035 cm-1 at an operating frequency of 1.0 THz. In addition other guiding properties such as power fraction, dispersion and confinement loss are also discussed. The proposed THz waveguide can be effectively used for convenient transmission of THz waves.
Keywords: Fiber design and fabrication, Micro-structured fibers, Birefringence, Dispersion
Terahertz (THz) radiation indicates the band of waves whose frequency ranges from 0.1 to 10 THz. Recently, the spotlight of the researchers has turned towards this special narrow-band radiation due to numerous potential applications such as sensing, imaging, spectroscopy, communication, security and medical science [1-3]. With the advancement of the ongoing technology, the THz source and detector are already commercially available in the market [4]. However, the design of the optical waveguide is under experiment because almost all materials which are used for optical fiber waveguide construction absorb light when light propagates through them. At the early stage, an unguided medium (air) is used for the transmission of the THz wave. As a result, numerous problems arise such as transmitter-receiver alignment related issues, uncertain absorption loss influenced by surroundings atmospheric condition etc. To get rid of this problem, different guided media are proposed by the scientists such as metallic waveguides [5], metal-coated dielectric tubes [6], Bragg band-gap fibers [7], plastic photonic band-gap fibers [8], sub-wavelength porous fibers [9], hollow core fibers [10] for the efficient transmission of THz signal. However, all guided media showed high absorption of THz waves. Then photonic crystal fiber (PCF) came to light.
Moreover, the solid core of the PCFs result in high effective material loss (EML) [11]. Low-loss PCF has important application in the field of diagnosis of skin cancer, breast cancer, dysplastic skin nevi and hard-to-access skin areas [16]. Again low loss PCF is widely used in bio sensing applications. So, design of low loss PCF became a new challenge for the researchers. One possible solution to reduce the EML of PCF is to introduce air holes in the core region. Introduction of air holes in core reduces the effective material in the core region and the EML reduces ultimately. This type of PCF is called porous core PCF (PC-PCF).
Birefringence is another important property for both solid core PCF and PC-PCF. Birefringence is the absolute difference between the refractive indices of x and y polarization modes. We know that light is an electromagnetic wave is polarized when it propagates. The amount of polarization through the PCF depends on the structure of the medium. If the core is symmetrical along with the x-axis and y-axis, then the refractive indexes of the material are the same for both polarization modes and the birefringence is absent. Birefringence can be made by breaking the symmetry of the core intentionally. Highly birefringent PCF has important applications in sensing, imaging, medical science
In this paper, we propose a slotted core hexagonal porous core PCF. The hexagonal shaped PCF is more compact than other types of structures and the light is well confined in the core region. The slotted core breaks the symmetry of core and an ultrahigh birefringence of 8.8×10-2 is shown by the proposed design. Due to the compactness of the fiber the light is well confined for high core porosities and the EML and bending loss is reduced. The lowest EML and bending loss are 0.035 cm-1 and 1.075×10-34 cm-1, respectively, shown by the proposed fiber at 1.0 THz operating frequency respectively. The other guiding properties such as confinement loss, power fraction and, dispersion are discussed rigorously. The physical structure and fabrication feasibility are discussed in Section II. Section III covers the simulation results and the discussions. The conclusion are contained by Section IV.
The cross sectional view of the proposed PC-PCF is shown in Fig. 1. In the cladding region a hexagonal shaped structure with four rings is chosen. Two main reasons for choosing the hexagonal structure are that it provides better confinement of the light and eliminates the drawbacks of the design proposed in [14]. In a hexagonal shaped structure only one Λ is required for the designing purpose and high air filling fraction (AFF) provides compact design.
The AFF is kept fixed at 0.96 throughout the whole numerical simulation. The main reason for choosing such a high value of AFF is that the EML decreases with the increase of the AFF. In the proposed porous core PCF, the principal design parameter is the length of the diamond shaped core (Lcore) because the fiber dimension is determined by it. The width of the core (Wcore) changes according to the Lcore. The core length is determined as Lcore = 6Λ cos30° - d, where d is the diameter of the cladding air hole. The core consists of 15 slots and the length of each slot is related to the core length (Lcore). The length of the center slot is 4.5 × Lcore. The slot lengths of the other slotted air holes are 4.15 × Lcore, 3.5 × Lcore, 2.66 × Lcore, 2.33 × Lcore, 1.16 × Lcore, 0.83 × Lcore and 0.33 × Lcore respectively, arranged away from the center slot. These particular values are chosen because these values provide maximum birefringence. The slot-lengths are kept fixed throughout the analysis. For different porosities the slot-width (which is same for all slots) is varied. The core pitch (dc) is defined as the horizontal center-to-center distance between two adjacent slots, which is selected as 0.2 × Λ. This particular value provides the entrance of a maximum number of slotted air holes without overlapping. The background material considered for this design is cyclic olefin copolymer (COC), with a trade name of TOPAS. It has a refractive index of 1.5258, which is constant over 0.1 - 2 THz [17]. During the simulation, the bulk material absorption loss (αmat) of 0.20 cm-1 has been inserted. Dry air having almost zero absorption loss (αair = 0) is the most transparent medium for terahertz waves. Therefore, at the time of calculation of various losses, αair was not taken into account. This particular polymer is preferred due to some of its excellent merits over other polymers such as PMMA or Teflon.
The proposed PCF consists of hexagonal lattice and slotted air holes in the core. The extrusion technique proposed by Kiang
The finite element method (FEM) based software COMSOL v. 4.2 has been used to design and simulate the proposed PC-PCF. A circular perfectly matched layer (PML) boundary condition outside the outer cladding is used in order to absorb the electromagnetic field propagating towards the surface. During the entire simulation, total 29,271 triangular elements, 3516 edge elements, and 396 vertex elements are required to represent the complete structure. The minimum element size has been taken as small as possible at about 0.42 µm. The average element quality of the design was 0.9155. The PML thickness is about 10% of the total fiber diameter. For efficient transmission of the THz wave, the electromagnetic field should be tightly confined in the core region. The mode field profile is shown in Fig. 2 and it is seen from the following figure is that the light is confined in the core region.
At first, we demonstrate the birefringence property of the proposed fiber. Birefringence is the absolute difference between the refractive indices of x and y polarization modes expressed as [12]
The EML of a porous core PCF can be calculated as [13]
Bending loss is very important for the practical implementation of optical fiber waveguide. The bending loss can be quantified by using the following formula [15]
Confinement loss is a phenomenon whereby part of the guided light penetrates in the cladding region. The confinement loss is not avoidable and it exists in every porous core PCF. The confinement loss of a PC-PCF can be calculated by using the following formula [12]
Now, the mode power fraction of the proposed fiber is discussed. It is desired that maximum power travels through the air holes of the core. The fraction of power is calculated by the following expression [14]
Lastly, the dispersion of the proposed fiber is discussed now. The high dispersion limits the data transmission rate and for efficient transmission the dispersion must be as low as possible. The dispersion is calculated by the following expression [13]
An efficient slotted-core PCF has been analyzed for polarization maintaining applications. The proposed model presents extremely high birefringence of 0.088 and a very low effective material loss of 0.035 cm-1 at 1.0 THz operating frequency. The structure is expected to be fabricated using the ongoing fabrication technology combining extrusion techniques. The proposed structure is compact and robust and it would be an efficient guiding structure for THz wave transmission.