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Submission Regulations

Enacted April 30, 1999
Amended March 28, 2003
Amended October 28, 2005
Amended February 23, 2007
Amended February 12, 2009
Amended December 22, 2011
Amended March 8, 2019
Amended May 3, 2019
Amended April 3, 2020
Amended September 11, 2020
Amended June 14, 2024

The mandatory article processing charge set by the OSK is currently as follows:
- KRW 400,000 (approximately USD 350) for an article of up to 5 published pages - KRW 80,000 (approximately USD 70) per page for 5+ published pages

In some cases, inclusion of figures printed in color (on authors’ request) may incur additional publication processing charges, which should also be paid by authors. Contact COPP staff for details of the extra charges.

  • Article 1 (Purpose)

    The purpose of these regulations are to establish procedures for the submission of manuscripts to be published in Current Optics and Photonics (hereinafter referred to as COPP) published by the Optical Society of Korea (hereinafter referred to as OSK).

  • Article 2 (Manuscripts and Publication Decisions)

    COPP publishes research results in the fields of optics and photonics. The manuscripts to be submitted for publication should have neither already been published in other journals nor currently been submitted to other journals for publication. Publication decisions are made by the editorial board via the review process established by COPP.

  • Article 3 (Types of Articles)
    1. 1. Types of articles include research articles, invited research articles, and invited review articles.
    2. 2. Invited research articles and invited review articles shall only be solicited by invitation of Editor-in-Chief via approval of the editorial board. However, qualified prospective authors are encouraged to contact Editor-in-Chief if they are interested in preparing an invited research or review article.
  • Article 4 (Style of Manuscripts)

    Manuscripts should be prepared according to the Style Guidelines established by COPP.

  • Article 5 (Submission of Manuscripts)

    Manuscripts should be submitted electronically through the COPP online submission system.

  • Article 6 (Review of Manuscripts)

    Manuscripts are reviewed according to the Review Regulations established by COPP.

  • Article 7 (Proofreading)
    1. 1. During the proofs stage, authors are required to review the proofs and to return them with corrections if there are any corrections to be made.
    2. 2. After the proofs stage, authors are not allowed to make changes to the proofs. Authors should obtain approval of the editorial board if there are any additional changes to be made.
  • Article 8 (Article Processing Charge)

    Authors should pay the article processing charge set by the OSK once their manuscripts have been accepted for publication. Until payment of the article processing charge is received, the production process is to be held.

  • Article 9 (Copyright)
    1. 1. The corresponding author will be asked to submit a signed OSK copyright transfer form when the paper is accepted for publication.
    2. 2. The transfer of the copyright to OSK becomes effective when the OSK copyright transfer form signed by the corresponding author is received. Until the copyright transfer form is received, the production process is to be held.
    3. 3. OSK publishes the accepted article on an Open Access base, applying the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial Works 4.0 International License (CC-BY-NC) to the published article.
    4. 4. OSK grants to the author(s) (or employers, in this case of works made for hire) the right to use all or part of this article in future works of their own, including academic publications, in which case an appropriate citation should be provided as a reference to the original work.
  • Article 10 (Miscellaneous)

    Other matters which are not explicitly specified in these regulations are dealt with according to the OSK Research Ethics and the decision of the COPP editorial board.

    Supplementary Provisions (1999. 4. 30)
    This provision will be enacted as from 1 May 1999.

    Supplementary Provisions (2003. 3. 28)
    The provision will be enacted as from March 28, 2003.

    Supplementary Provisions (2005. 10. 28)
    The provision will be enacted as from October 28, 2005.

    Supplementary Provisions (2007. 2. 23)
    The amended provision will be enacted as from February 23, 2007.

    Supplementary Provisions (2009. 2. 12)
    The amended provision will be enacted as from February 12, 2009.

    Supplementary Provisions (2011. 12. 22)
    The amended provision will be enacted as from December 22, 2011.

    Supplementary Provisions (2019. 3. 8)
    The amended provision will be enacted as from March 8, 2019.

    Supplementary Provisions (2019. 5. 3)
    The amended provision will be enacted as from May 3, 2019.

    Supplementary Provisions (2020. 4. 3)
    The amended provision will be enacted as from April 3, 2020.

    Supplementary Provisions (2020. 9. 11)
    The amended provision will be enacted as from September 11, 2020.

    Supplementary Provisions (2024. 6. 14)
    The amended provision will be enacted as from June 14, 2024.

Optical Society of Korea

Current Optics
and Photonics

Vol.8 No.5
October, 2024

Min-Kyo Seo,

Manuscript Center

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About this Journal

2023 Impact Factor: 0.6
2022 Impact Factor: 0.6
2021 Impact Factor: 0.879
2020 Impact Factor: 0.660
2019 Impact Factor: 0.761
2018 Impact Factor: 0.573

Title : Cureent Optics and Photonics
Abbreviation : Curr. Opt. Photon.
pISSN : 2508-7266
eISSN : 2508-7274
Frequency: Bimonthly

Main topics:

  • (1)Optical Science
  • (2)Optical Technology
  • (3) Digital Holography and Information Optics
  • (4)Quantum Electronics
  • (5)Photonics
  • (6)Biophotonics
  • (7)Displays
  • (8)Quantum Optics and Quantum Information
  • (9)Lithography/Optical Materials.

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Editorial Office